Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Praying for Adam {By The Grace of God}

I can't believe over a week has passed since we have been at Duke. It feels like months. Time passes slowly but that also allows for some peaceful reflection amid all the chaos of life right now. It seems like each day brought it's own unique challenges as well as huge victories. Through it all we had the constant loving support of family, friends (some who were able to be here with us and others who lifted us up and prayer and stayed updated online and through texts) and the unshakable peace of God.

Every day Adam makes unbelievable progress- and that's not an overstatement for me to just feel good inside. We hear the physical therapists talking amongst themselves at how much progress he is making everyday and what a wonderful spirit he has. Adam is not only determined to work hard at physical rehabilitation but also to treat everyone as he would like to be treated- his attitude is infectious. He is quickly becoming every one's favorite patient.

As I type this update, Adam is sleeping in a chair beside me and looking at him- so peaceful and rested- a much different image than only a week ago. We have been through so much, but I would honestly not change a thing because it has brought us face to face with God and shown us first hand his limitless power and mercy. It is only by the grace of God that I made it through this last week with a peace that as the verse says below transcends all understanding. That's not to say that I did not have my moments of weakness and fear, but thankfully I was surrounded by so many reminders of God's love and presence that those moments were short.
I can not thank everyone enough- all of you who prayed for us and cheered Adam on. Our friends, neighbors, family, strangers...my sisters, brothers, parents (direct and in-laws) all rallied around us and constantly were there for us. We have lived through the promise that all things work together for God's perfect plan and will keep that promise in our hearts with each step that Adam makes through recovery and in our everyday life in general.

Love to you all and God Bless!!!

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